Wednesday, February 6, 2013

They are sexy & they know it!

Do you need a reliable agent in Ukraine? Then look no further! 

Apartment rentals, English interpreter, Business services are available at:

Mr. Alexander Cherednichenko 
Tel: +

Business references available upon request. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

High Heels & Long Legs

The heat is back in Ukraine. Less coats and more skirts :'). The beauty is more and more apparent as you walk through the streets.  Pairs of three's (3) and four line up the scenery. All but strangers to this wonderful land. The women here are beautiful in abundance.  Please however do not let your guard down. Among the many beautiful women, there are still the few one must be cautious with. Often times, one is a witness to the sad stories of those scammed by both women and marriage agencies alike ( IE: Anastasia, Elena's, Dream Marriage ) So I write to you passionately about Ukraine and the beauty it beholds. The country is rich in history and culture. It's nostalgic to the soviet era. Should you need assistance while in Ukraine,  I personally recommend the only legitimate source:

Mr. Alexander Cherednichenko
Skype: go2lugansk

Excellent, reliable and most importantly a trustful individual. 

The American Traveler  living in Lugansk, Ukraine.